This business group, one of Bangchak’s five core businesses, is in charge of the development of upstream petroleum businesses and battery energy storage systems, namely the petroleum exploration and production (E&P) business and the lithium mining business. Bangchak founded BCPR Co., Ltd. in Thailand, and BCPR Pte. Ltd. together in Singapore, to engage in the petroleum E&P business and founded BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd., in Singapore, to engage in the lithium mining business.

BCPR Pte. Ltd.
BCPR Pte. Ltd., was incorporated in Singapore on July 12, 2018, with a registered capital of US$18.2 million as of December 31, 2019, and is wholly owned by BCPR Co., Ltd. The company engages in foreign energy, petrochemical, and natural resource businesses and currently invests in OKEA AS, which engages in local petroleum exploration, development, and production in Norway.
BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd. (BCPI)
BCPI, wholly owned by Bangchak, was incorporated in Singapore with a registered capital of US$53.3 million as of December 31, 2019