14 December 2022
Bangchak and Partners Invite Public to “Tod Mai Ting” for Health, Environment, and Supplement Incomes
BCG Economy Model Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Pilots at 44 Bangchak Service Stations

Somchai Tejavanija, Chief Marketing Officer & Senior Executive Vice President, Market Business Group, Kanthamat Kritayanukul, Acting Executive Vice President, Refinery and Logistics Business, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, and Kittima Wongsaen, Executive Vice President, Business Development and Commerce, BBGI Public Company Limited, along with executives from Bangchak and BSGF Company Limited invite the public to the “Tod Mai Ting” campaign, to collect and sell their used cooking oil at 44 Bangchak Service Station locations to be used to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in accordance to the BCG Economy Model.
“Tod Mai Ting” was initiated by Thanachok Oil Light, a member of the joint venture establishing BSGF Company Limited, a campaign to encourage the public to refrain from disposing used cooking oil in public spaces, preventing adverse environmental and health issues arising from improper disposal and repeated usage. Moreover, the initiative is aligned with the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy Model (the Bio economy emphasizes value creation from bio-based resources directly connected to the Circular economy of maximizing its value, and the Green economy of sustainable economic development alongside social and environmental stewardship.)
Moreover, BSGF Company Limited, a joint venture between Bangchak, BBGI, and Thanachok Oil Light Company Limited, will procure used cooking for Thailand’s first production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), recently resolving to increasing capital investments by 200 million Baht according to party holding, with Bangchak contributing 102 million Baht for the construction space preparation of the production unit, addressing the growing aviation industry demand, and planning to commence production by Q4/24, with numerous domestic and international parties already expressing their interest in the product.
For those interested in selling used cooking oil at Bangchak service stations, find out the locations at www.bangchakmarketplace.com and check out prices daily at the designated locations.