09 October 2023
Bangchak Supports Medical Equipment to Thammasat University Hospital

Pichai Chunhavajira, Chairperson of the Board, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, as President of the Thammasat 1969 Club, presented an honorary plaque to Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited for the company’s participation in the Candlelight for Education Club’s charity bowling competition at BLU-O Rhythm & Bowl, Siam Paragon. The objective of the event was to raise funds for essential, innovative, and modern medical equipment for Thammasat University Hospital. This equipment includes its first digital ultrasound machine and transport ventilators with carbon dioxide indicators, which assist in patient recovery from respiratory failure. A representative of Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited received the plaque.
Thammasat University Hospital is a tertiary-level university hospital, which serves as a medical school, sub-specialty care, and other medical centers that require specialized medical equipment and expertise. These specialized fields include nephrology, cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, hematology and more.