04 October 2024

Bangchak Executive Joins Discussion on “Navigating the Future of Carbon Tax: Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses” at the Corporate Innovation Summit by RISE

Gloyta Nathalang, Senior Executive Vice President, Sustainability Management and Corporate Communications, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, and Chairperson of Carbon Markets Club was invited to participate in the Corporate Innovation Summit by RISE on the topic “Navigating the Future of Carbon Tax: Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses RISE,” with James Andrew Moore, Director, Thai Renewable Energy (RE100) Association, Phattrapong Phattraprasit, Excise Department, and Dr. Poonperm Vardhanabindu, Climate Expert, Bureau Veritas (Thailand) Limited as the discussion moderator. The summit was organized by RISE, a leading innovation company for growth and sustainability, at True Digital Park.

Gloyta discussed the management strategy to reduce the impact of carbon emissions on Bangchak as a leading energy conglomerate. Bangchak has been assessing the organization’s carbon footprint since 2011 and has continuously planned to reduce its carbon emissions. Moreover, Bangchak has joined in preparing the industrial sector for the carbon tax by supporting carbon emissions reduction in the aviation industry through SAF production from sustainable feedstock like used cooking oil. Bangchak will collaborate with airlines and other partners to develop the SAF supply chain in Thailand, believing that SAF can significantly reduce carbon emissions from the aviation sector, which is a significant contributor to climate change.

Furthermore, Gloyta also mentioned the mission of the Carbon Markets Club (CMC), which focuses on supporting carbon credit trading, providing knowledge, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders to accelerate Thailand’s drive towards a low-carbon society. CMC offers various services to members at no cost, including a carbon credit and RECs trading platform, an organizational carbon footprint assessment tool, and the MyCF personal carbon footprint assessment application. It also collaborates with similar associations or clubs in ASEAN countries to jointly develop a carbon cooperation framework, personnel development, and various standards to strengthen the carbon market ecosystem in the region.