28 September 2022
Bangchak Group CEO Receives “Thailand TOP CEO OF THE YEAR 2022” Award for the “Energy and Utilities” Industry

Chaiwat Kovavisarach, Group Chief Executive Officer and President, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, receives the “THAILAND TOP CEO OF THE YEAR 2022” for the “Energy and Utilities” Industry, organized by Business+ Magazine in collaboration with the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University, presented by H.E. Nurak Marpraneet, Privy Councilor.
The “THAILAND TOP CEO OF THE YEAR 2022” award selects top executives from the country’s leading organizations from each industry and government enterprise, as well as executives, director general, governors, or above, from government agencies. It is a mark of distinguished success for executives, in terms of vision, leadership, and managerial strategy that strengthens an organization by integrating environmental, community, and social considerations. Candidates are selected by Business+ magazine, by ARIP Public Company Limited, in collaboration with the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University, and voted by the general public, and finally selected by a panel of qualified specialists. The award ceremony was held recently at the Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok.
Chaiwat thanked the judges and voters for the award, which will be a source of inspiration for Bangchak Group to continue its commitment to developing sustainable business innovation in harmony with the environment and society, which it has consistently done for almost 40 years, and thanked Bangchak executives and employees who played a role in its strong growth and success, emphasizing the importance of teamwork, communication, and constantly adapting to change.