05 July 2024

Bangchak - A Committed Space for Employee’s Happiness Thailand’s Best Employer of 2024

The First and Only in the Oil Industry in Thailand

The "Bangchak Family" warmly embraces its members, much like a spacious home where diversity fuels the organisation's success over four decades.

In its 40th year and looks ahead to the fifth decade, this home has navigated numerous challenges, weathered storms and built a resilient foundation. It has emerged in the forefront of the energy sector in Southeast Asia. Bangchak has become a cornerstone of national energy security, providing accessibility and affordability to the consumers. Simultaneously, it prioritizes environmental sustainability, consistently recognized as a leader in energy transition that harmonizes environmental and social concerns with its business endeavours.

Looking back at the challenging times of the COVID-19 crisis, most businesses, including those in the energy sector, encountered significant setbacks. Bangchak was no exception to these challenges. However, we persevered, restructured, and adapted, refusing to succumb easily to the circumstances. With resilience, in 2021 we announced the Bangchak100x initiative, setting our sights on becoming a sustainable organisation for over 100 years. This initiative reassures our team members that we will progress together, hand in hand.

Under the goal "Bangchak100x," Bangchak has launched the 100xHappiness initiative aimed at multiplying employee happiness while simultaneously nurturing their potential. This strategy, encapsulated by the theme "Happy," addresses various facets of employees' lives:

Driving Robust Growth with the "i am bcp" Values

Bangchak has cultivated a distinctive employee culture centered around "being good, knowledgeable, and beneficial to others" since its inception. This ethos serves as the organisation's DNA, fostering a sense of unity akin to a family among all members. In an era where the workforce spans multiple generations and business units, Bangchak acknowledges the diversity among its employees. As a result, it tailors a variety of activities and benefits that cater to everyone, while embedding the "i am bcp" values.

These values champion innovation, boldness, customer-centricity, and passion for ownership. They contribute to building a robust organisational culture that will steer Bangchak Village towards its future objectives and aspirations.

Best Employer: A Testament to Excellence

One definitive proof of Bangchak's dedication and continuous effort to ensure the happiness of all its employees is being recognised as the first and only company in Thailand's Oil sector to be named "Thailand's Best Employer of 2024" by Kincentric. Kincentric is a global expert in human resources assessment and development, boasting over 50 years of experience. This prestigious achievement is a source of immense pride for Bangchak, reflecting its excellence in human resource management. Kincentric's rigorous evaluation process includes in-depth data collection at three levels: employees, the HR team, and the CEO. The assessment considers employee opinions, the organisation's HR management processes, business policies, HR management, and overall organisational alignment. These factors all contribute to the sustainability of the organisation.

This year marked Bangchak's first participation in the evaluation, and the company emerged with proud results. This accomplishment validates Bangchak's approach to taking care of its members, guided by clear and focused goals.

Reflecting on Bangchak's success today as "Thailand's Best Employer," it becomes clear that this achievement didn't happen overnight or solely through the efforts of executives, managers, or the HR function. Instead, it is the result of long-term investment in human resources, cultivated through the cooperation of every member of the Bangchak family at all levels. This collective commitment and continuous effort demonstrate that when employees are happy, the organisation grows strong through the collaborative power of all employees who drive the organisation forward.

The strength and stability of Bangchak arise from the collective efforts of everyone within the organisation. Each member contributes to the shared success, creating a sense of pride and achievement. As Bangchak enters its fifth decade in business, the company remains dedicated to fostering a sustainable and happy organisation. This commitment extends beyond employees, aiming to spread happiness from the Bangchak family to the wider community.

We are proud to be the first and only company in the oil business in Thailand to receive the Best Employer award. This reflects the happiness of our employees, measured through assessments that make them feel that the company is one of the best employers in the world. It is a significant milestone for the Bangchak family, driven by the management's commitment to creating a home where we can all live and work happily together.

Receiving the Best Employer award is a testament to our dedication and efforts in creating a work environment that makes every employee feel comfortable, warm, and secure. This recognition is not only a source of pride for us but also an opportunity to attract and recruit talented young professionals to join us, helping to lead Bangchak towards sustainable growth in the future.

Chaiwat Kovavisarach,

Group CEO and President,

Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited.