BCP Refinery Net energy consumption
13,749.84 Terajules
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Scope 1 & 2
(Operational Control Approach)
Million tCO2e
Total water withdrawal from all sources
(Produced water from crude oil extraction/ processing, groundwater and third-party water of the refinery)
2.64 million m3
Water recycled and reused of the refinery
million m3
Percentage of waste managed with

Environment Standards / Guideline

Environmental management system ISO 14001:2015
Energy management system ISO 50001:2018 / Solomon Energy Intensity Index
Water management Water Stress Index (WSI) / ISO14046 Water Footprint
Waste management Reduce, Reuse & Recycle (3Rs)

Environmental Dimension Targets

Environmental Management Program

Operational Eco-Efficiency

Bangchak determined to emphasize the efficient use of natural resources in its production process, the highest production capacity but the least waste and pollutions. The company has also adopted the environmental management system into use. The system is in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 regarding the use of natural resources and pollution control to drive for continuous development under proactive policies in compliance with the Green Industry Level 5: Green Network, and promoted environmental management practices to all stakeholders throughout the supply chain, communities and consumers in order to become a green network. This too, demonstrated the company’s commitment to environmental development which is becoming the corporate culture in doing business with social responsibility today.


Bangchak realizes the importance of balancing economic growth and environmental impact in pursuing for sustainable development and determined to uses eco-efficiency as an indicator. By which, the company uses earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) to reflect economic growth and uses the amount of GHG emission which is an important environmental aspect of the petroleum industry to reflect the environmental impacts. A high ecoefficiency value indicates high efficiency production and low environmental impacts.

Note: EBITDA and carbon dioxide equivalent (scope 1 and 2) of the refinery and market businesses.

Energy Consumption

Energy is an essential input driving businesses and the production process of various industries. However, energy consumption contributes to climate change impacts from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Global businesses are aware of this fact and determined to set up their target for sustainable development in alignment with SDG 7 & SDG 13 to help reduce the adverse impacts of energy consumption and GHG emissions.

Bangchak has recognized the importance and impacts of energy consumption in business operations and taken into consideration the establishment of energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 for the refinery business and oil distribution terminal since 2014. In 2019, the company was the first company in Thailand certified by ISO 50001: 2018. This proves the true commitment of the company and its capability in energy management in line with international standards and to be the foundation for sustainable growth in the future.

Bangchak Group is ready to drive the development of the Low-Carbon Society with the BCP NET Plan comprising

4 Dimensions

in order to achieve organizational

Carbon Neutrality by 2030 and Net Zero by 2050

emphasizing tangible processes and long-term results.

Read More

Climate Change Management

2023 Performance


(Refinery Business, M-Tower and Reginal Office, and Marketing Business)

(GRI 305-1 & 305-2 Verification)

Total Scope 1 & 2
GHG emissions
955,091.49 tCO2e
Scope 1 GHG emissions
941,578.31 tCO2e
Scope 2 GHG emissions
13,513.18 tCO2e
Scope 3 GHG emissions
4,845,827.20 tCO2e

Low-Carbon Product

The company has continuously developed eco-friendly petroleum products with a mixture of ethanol and biodiesel which are good for the engine. These products are environmental friendly since they alleviate PM2.5 dust pollution. They also increase farmers’ income.

Amount of decreasing Carbon dioxide from oil filling with Bangchark membership card

(unit: Ton CO2 equivalent)

Eco-Friendly Transportation

Project to Increase Proportion of Oil Transportation by Semi-Trailer

The company manages transportation vehicles by changing from 2 single trucks to a semi-trailer (40,000 liters load). This change helps reduce not only the cost of transportation but also the GHG emissions per unit of oil.

The proportion of refined oil transportation by trucks decrease the GHG emissions

(Target: Using semi-trailer increase 2% per year and and decrease the amounts of transportation for reducing greenhouse gas emission.)

Water Consumption

Bangchak, as one in the energy industry consuming high quantity of water, recognizes the importance of water management as well as the increase in efficiency improvement of water consumption. Therefore, the company set targets for the reduction and control of new water withdrawal, including water management through the use of innovative tools and technology.In addition, the company uses Water Stress Index (WSI) of 25 Watersheds level in Thailand and the world class WSI(1) to assess the water scarcity footprint of the company’s products in accordance with ISO14046 guidelines.

Reduction of Water Consumption
Target : reduced by 40% comparing to the water requirement in proportion to the crude oil quantity in the base year 2019.
Results (reduced by)
Control the amount of water consumption per production capacity
(Target not more than 53 cubic meters / Thousand barrels of oil equivalent)
m3/thousand barrels
Water saving (Households equivalent)
*Water usage data in Bangkok Phra Khanong area, where the refinery is located. The average family member in each household is 1.85 people / household, the amount of water used is 0.56 cubic meters / person / day or 1.04 cubic meters / household / day. (Information from the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority: 2015)

Percentage of new water usage reduction compared to water demand in that year (Percentage and amount of water that can be reduced)

*Compared to baseline year 2015 from reusing condensate water in boilers and the 4 refinery unit plus treated water from oil treatment unit using RO, and include treated water from wastewater treatment units using RO for cooling towers

Wastewater Management

In addition, the company sends water samples for regular analysis to the Department of Industrial Works and internationally certified ISO/IEC 17025. There are also dedicated personnel like the pollution controller to closely supervise the treatment system.

the company has also installed a special tool orequipment (COD Online) that shows real time results to theManufacturing Department and the surrounding communities.

Number of significant oil and chemical spills (more than 100 Barrels / incident)

Oil and Chemical Spill Management

Bangchak is aware of the risks and adverse impacts of oil and chemical spills from the business operations which were our materiality topics. Therefore, Bangchak prioritizes safety in every business operation and environment protection in every business activity to prevent oil and chemical spills affecting society and environment throughout the value chain: from crude oil transportation to our refinery, from oil product transportation to our oil depot and terminals, and from service stations to our customers.

Air Emissions Management

Air pollution is an important environmental issue for the energy industry since it is harmful to human health and affect quality of life of people in the society. This is especially relevant nowadays on the issue of particulate matter with 2.5 micron in size (PM 2.5) which has become a serious environmental issue in Thailand. Therefore, Bangchak takes careful steps to monitor and control the quality of air emissions emitted to the environment in order to prevent and mitigate impacts on employees, contractors working at Bangchak refinery, communities and environment around the Bangchak refinery and other operating sits of the company.

Air Emission Reduction Target and Performance in 2023

Control the release of air pollution to not exceed 80% of control limit

Control limit ≤ 1,000 tons
Target ≤ 800 tons
Control limit ≤ 1,000 tons
Target ≤ 800 tons
Control limit ≤ 386 tons
Target ≤ 308.8 tons
Certified by
ISO 14001
for the 26 years
Air quality measured by the
3rd Party
is within standards
Control the release of Fugitive VOCs
at every measurement point to not exceed 200 ppm
(Law requires not more than 500 ppm)
The new Enclosed Ground Flare Progress
2023 Enclosed Ground Flare 2 is currently under construction
2022 The full-scale operation of Enclosed Ground Flare 1
2021 The full-scale test operation of Enclosed Ground Flare 1
2020 The installation progress of Enclosed Ground Flare 1
2019 Enclosed Ground Flare 1 was under construction
Air pollution Complaints
(Target = 0 case)

Waste and Unused Materials Management

Bangchak recognizes the important of waste management and conducts waste management practices rigorously to comply with waste-related regulations. The company adheres to the 3R waste management principles, which are Reduction, Reuse and Recycle of waste following local and international guidelines of waste management and consider its approaches to make good use of water and to mitigate environmental impacts from waste disposal. Our corporate target is to pursue the Zero Waste to Landfills for waste generated from production processes.

2023 Performance


Biodiversity and Forest Management

Rapid economic growth in recent years has led to the use of natural resources and disturbance in natural ecosystems. It can result in biodiversity losses and habitat destruction for living organisms and ecosystems, which can have negative consequences on human quality of life, such as a decrease in food sources, and impacts on economic activity, such as decreased productivity. Bangchak Company is aware of both positive and negative effects on biodiversity from its business operations by making biodiversity an essential issue in the Sustainable Policy.

Environmental Cost Accounting

Bangchak has prepared and developed Environmental Cost Accounting, embracing oil refining processes, Bangchak Oil Depot, and Bang Pa-In Oil Depot. Such accounting has been publicized to external agencies and investors through its quarterly MD&A articles and IR Newsletters. In addition, knowledge of it has been constantly transferred to students and other interested agencies.

Environmental Violations

Environmental Violations 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of violations of legal obligations / regulations 0 0 0 0
Amount of fines penalties related to the above: THB 0 0 0 0
Environmental liability accured at year end: THB 0 0 0 0

Green Building

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design : LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building standard that addresses energy use, environmental issues, and occupant quality of life. The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) created it to evaluate the performance of buildings in building design, construction, and use.

Bangchak's head office building has been certified with LEED Platinum, ranked No. 1 in Thailand in the LEED for Commercial Interior (LEED CI) category in Thailand's largest area. The office building is decorated in an environmental-friendly architectural design and constructed by considering saving energy and water, air quality control, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and efficient use of resources. With this concept, this building can improve the quality of residential lives, building users, and the environment inside the building.


Bangchak has been accredited for LEED Platinum for two certificates. One for Bangchak Convention and Meeting Center on the 8th and 10th floor and another one for Bangchak @Bangchak Head Office accounted for 10,676 m2 of usable space.